Earth Day

Today is #Earthday! Earth is so beautiful and the only one we have, yet many people treat it like we have a few spare to breathe and surf on.

In fact, today’s average global rate of #consumption would need 1.5 planet Earths to sustain it. But 4 planets would be required to sustain US levels of consumption!
The rate of destruction is heartbreaking and this year is likely to bring more distressing news (93% of #GreatBarrierReef bleached anyone?). So remember when the rest of the world runs around like panicked donkeys, breathe in, duckdive, and do as you've always done, draw strength and creativity from nature itself. We'll carve a beautiful line, find an exit, and show the world how it's fucking done.
#savethewaves #surfmore #consumeless
@surfrideraus @surfersagainstsewage @surfridereurope @surfridersandiego @surfrideroahu @plasticpollutes

shell bomb

shell bomb

Chief Storyteller at Swellbound